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00:00:00 The Santa Clarita City Council meeting from Tuesday, January 24, 2023 was interrupted by attorney announcements, and there were no announcements at a closed session this evening. The meeting adjourned for the regular meeting and councilwoman McLean gave the invocation. The agenda item number 8 was Council policies on the consent calendar, and item number 14 was foreign. Mayor Gibbs called for speakers on the consent items, and councilwoman West announced that Hart High School’s marching band had won first place in the 2022 Southern California School band and Orchestra Association Division 4A championships.
00:05:00 The Santa Clarita City Council honored the Heart Regiment marching band with a proclamation for Restaurant Week. The city also encourages residents to patronize local businesses.
00:10:00 Judith Cassis has been a longtime resident of Santa Clarita and has dedicated her time to helping the elderly community. Tonight, she is being recognized for her work as a book coach and creative writing teacher.
00:15:00 Judith Cassis, a retired English teacher, has been teaching a weekly class on writing for seniors for 22 years. The city of Santa Clarita recognized her with an award for her efforts.
00:20:00 Santa Clarita City Councilmember Diana Boone Marcia is congratulated for her service to the city of Santa Clarita, which has included 24 years of work as a community services commissioner.
00:25:00 The Santa Clarita City Council meets on January 24, 2023 to discuss items not on the agenda and to hold elected officials accountable. The first three people to address the council are Jeffrey Malik, Elaine, and Marisol Espinoza. Councilmember Miranda is mentioned and is said to have said that he would be happy to get rid of all hate symbols in Santa Clarita, but he has not done anything to follow through with this since campaigning. Elaine and Marisol Espinoza discuss how people of different backgrounds are not being forced to accept things that they do not agree with, but Ash Mahoney speaks about how people are being forced to accept things that go against their beliefs and how this is not fair. The councilmember McLean is mentioned and it is said that he said he would be happy to get rid of all hate symbols in Santa Clarita, but he has not done anything to follow through with this since campaigning. The last person to address the council is Elaine. She discusses how people can start changing the way they feel by thinking about why things are happening and then coming up with solutions.
00:30:00 Santa Clarita is facing high natural gas prices, due to factors beyond its control. This will cause customers’ energy bills to be higher this January. There are ways for customers to reduce their bills, including lowering their thermostat, using proper caulking and weather stripping, washing clothes in cold water, and using non-essential appliances sparingly. There are also customer programs for income-qualified customers.
00:35:00 In a letter printed in the Signal January 19, 2023, retired LA County Sheriff’s Commander Kevin uh Kai Kendall warns against the use of the “blue lives matter” flag, which he says is not a blue lives matter flag. He says that the flag, which is often associated with the black lives matter movement, is not meant to represent black lives Matter movement.
00:40:00 The speaker at the Santa Clarita City Council meeting speaks about how the recent mass shooting in Monterey Park is a reminder of the “evil” that is present in the United States. The speaker urges the City Council to work together to combat the “evil” that is present, and reminds them that God will always win in the end.
00:45:00 The video discusses Santa Clarita City Council meeting from January 24, 2023, including comments from residents about various topics. Steve Petzold, Kerry McKeever, and Santa Rivera are discussed in particular. Steve Petzold discusses restaurant week and his support for it. Kerry McKeever discusses SCV’s work in the community and her support. Santa Rivera discusses Planned Parenthood and why he feels it is not a good idea to put it in Santa Clarita.
00:50:00 Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, wrote a letter to a physician named CJ Gamble in which she outlined her plans to divide races by offering separate Physicians for blacks and whites. Margaret openly and bluntly stated that negro Physicians were to operate on other negro patients, but she insisted that all negro Physicians be trained to follow the white medical science and protocols that they came up with when any medical facility were to hire negro Physicians. Margaret also felt strongly that black preachers or ministers should also be trained under only white leadership, and she was very adamant about what she put in her documents. Margaret’s plan was called “The Negro Plan of the South,” and it was culturally understood by the black community that abortion is a direct attack on human life. Margaret hoped that her letters would convince one woman in Africa to reject abortion, and she also wanted to remind the city of the importance of flashing lights at main intersections when there is medical or police activity. Margaret believes that the city can have a large role in helping to protect children by teaching them about sex and family at a young age, and she reiterates that the city needs to protect itself from LA County and the city.
00:55:00 The city council discusses various topics, including bike lanes and the hospital. They also discuss how to help the hospital and how to prioritize the city’s resources
01:00:00 The Santa Clarita City Council discussed a number of issues, including the new homes being built just across the city limits, the impending Valentine’s Day all-inclusive wedding ceremony, and the lack of information on when the Board of Supervisors will discuss the Blue Ribbon task force recommendations. Councilman Brad also announced that he will continue to attend the virtual probation oversight committee meetings, and Councilwoman Miranda McLean said that she plans to attend the upcoming Board of Supervisors meeting to voice her objection to using Camp Scott as a violent offender’s prison. Finally, Councilman Miranda mentioned that a number of students are homeless and that the city does not have any money dedicated to helping schools with Measure H funds.
01:05:00 The Santa Clarita City Council held a meeting on January 24, 2023, in which they voted to direct staff to prepare a letter to the governor asking for more money to be restored to transportation projects in the city. Several council members spoke about the importance of transportation funding, and councilwoman West thanked outgoing Water Board member RJ Kelly for his 19 years of service. The SCB Water Agency celebrated the opening of a new inclusive playground, and the Santa Clarita Valley Cog and NCTC discussed coordinating letters to the governor. Finally, sheriff’s deputy and first responder Johnathan White was honored with a ribbon cutting for Mariah Medical College.
01:10:00 The city of Santa Clarita is holding a public hearing to modify the pre-annexation agreement for the Tesoro Highlands development. The proposed language would still require the bridge to begin construction prior to the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy, but would better allow for and also cap the issuance of certificates of occupancy to a total of up to 342 homes. The proposed language would also better allow for and also cap the issuance of certificates of occupancy to a total of up to 342 homes.
01:15:00 The Los Angeles County Affordable Housing Solutions Agency was recently established through State legislation. The agency’s intent is to increase the supply of affordable housing in the county by providing funding and technical assistance for new production. The recommendation before you is to discuss and recommend a member of the city council to be nominated at an upcoming City selection committee meeting. This concludes my comments.
01:20:00 The Santa Clarita City Council voted to appoint councilmember Miranda to chair the League of California Cities’ selection committee for city representatives, delegate McLean to be the alternate delegate for San Fernando Valley, and councilmember West to serve as the alternate delegate for North Los Angeles County transportation coalition. McLean will also be appointed to the California joint powers in Short Insurance Authority.
01:25:00 The Santa Clarita City Council met on January 24, 2023, and discussed several topics, including the appointment of directors for various city departments, the designation of delegates for various AD hoc committees, and the future of the Whitaker Burmaite Committee.
01:30:00 The speaker gives a brief overview of the city’s audit, and states that the majority of the residents do not want the speed bumps that were voted for in the previous year. Council member McLean asks the speaker to drive through the speed bumps to see for himself, and if they do not want the speed bumps removed, the speaker recommends that a petition be started.
01:35:00 The speaker discusses how councilors sometimes approve projects that are different from the original plans, and asks if this needs to be added to the policy.
01:40:00 The City Council discusses deselection and refreshing of Library materials, and decides that the Library ad hoc committee should hear about such matters if a small group wants to remove something from the library that for just a political reason or such.
01:45:00 The City Council of Santa Clarita discusses the library system and its committee structure. The council is considering whether or not to change the committee structure, and if so, what changes should be made. The City Manager suggests that the Library Ad Hoc Committee meet more frequently, but the issue of books being taken out of the library is not a major concern.
01:50:00 The City Council discussed a policy change that would allow them to send memos to libraries instructing staff to remove books that have been brought to the library for review, undergo a process, and have consequences if the book is not followed. The librarian explained that, in the case of a weapon, medical detectors should be set off and the door locked to prevent anyone from entering with a weapon.
01:55:00 The Santa Clarita City Council discusses the possibility of changing the consequences for carrying weapons and vandalism, with the councilman noting that the process used to come to the consequences may not be adequate.
02:00:00 The Santa Clarita City Council met on January 24, 2023, and discussed how to improve the city’s code of conduct. Councilmember West asked for staff’s opinion on adding an assault section to the code, and the clerk called the roll. No other speakers came forward, so the council voted to adjourn. Councilmember Campbell thanked everyone for coming and said goodbye to Cheryl Campbell, who was in attendance.