Saugus Union School District Board Meeting, March 28, 2023

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00:00:00 In this section, the Saugus Union School District Board Meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for the families of children who recently lost their lives. The board then approved claim number 22-23-6 and moved on to approve the agenda and minutes from previous meetings. Afterward, Mr. Clement recognized students for their excellence and imagination in creative writing, starting with Pakia Lakshmi Rama lingam from West Creek Academy, who won the PBIS certificate of excellence.

00:05:00 In this section, the board members of the Saugus Union School District celebrate and recognize the achievements of several students in different grade levels for their outstanding writing skills. The students mentioned in the excerpt come from various elementary schools within the district, and each one has been praised for their unique writing talents, whether it be strong attention to detail, creativity, vocabulary use, or multilingual skills. The board members commend these students for their hard work and encourage them to continue developing their writing abilities.

00:10:00 In this section of the video, students from various schools are recognized for their exceptional writing skills. Aditya, a fourth-grader from Plum Canyon, is an imaginative writer who excels in all subject areas. Zoe, from Rio Vista, uses critical thinking skills to develop well-organized essays with a strong voice. Seraphina, from Rosedale Elementary, impresses with her complex language and effective expression of her point of view. Samira, from Santa Clarita Elementary, writes imaginative stories with higher-level vocabulary and structure. Haley, from Sky Blue Mesa, is creative, motivated, and adds detail to her writing. Kensington, a first-grader from Tesoro, thinks outside the box and uses strong vocabulary to bring her imagination to life. Finally, Shora, from West Creek Academy, writes clearly and accurately, adding detail to his sentences. All students are recognized for their outstanding writing skills, and their exceptional abilities are celebrated.

00:15:00 In this section of the Saugus Union School District Board Meeting, congratulations are given to the winners of the writing awards. The board members and cabinet express their pride in the skills and achievements of the students and highlight the importance of writing as a critical skill in various subjects and in life. Everyone emphasized the significance of the students’ ability to use their voice and touch someone deeply through their writing. The board also commends the PBIS Award winner and encourages all students to continue their hard work and dedication to writing.

00:20:00 In this section of the meeting, the board congratulates a student for winning the Writing Superstar award. The board members expressed their pride and emphasized the importance of writing skills in the modern digital world. After the ceremony, the meeting moved on to public comment procedures outlined in the board bylaws. Members of the public were given instructions on how to request to speak and offer comments on agenda and non-agenda items, either in person or via email.

00:25:00 In this section of the transcript, a parent expresses frustration with the Saugus Union School District for failing to properly address bullying in her child’s kindergarten class. Despite multiple complaints from parents and teachers, the administration has done little to address the issue, causing fear in students and a negative school experience. The parent argues that the district promotes violence by ignoring victims of bullying and fails to live up to its own “see something, say something” policy. Another speaker claims that the district is engaging in partisanship and identity politics, citing a resolution honoring Dolores Huerta as an example, and accusing her of promoting illegal immigration and socialism.

00:30:00 In this section, two speakers addressed different issues to the Saugus Union School District Board. The first speaker accused the district of violating election laws by honoring Dolores Huerta and promoting partisan politics. The second speaker, a parent, expressed concerns about chaotic and sometimes dangerous classroom environments, citing instances of disruptive behavior and the need for additional qualified staff. The parent urged the board to take action to ensure an environment conducive to effective teaching and learning, and to prioritize the needs of both the teacher and the students. Another speaker urged the board to enhance school security at a technical level.

00:35:00 In this section of the transcript, several individuals speak during a Saugus Union School District Board meeting. One individual discusses the use of tools to mitigate incidents on school campuses, while another rebukes a board member for violating policies around parental rights. After a mention of student achievements, one person shows support for Anna Grace, who read an anonymous letter during a previous meeting, and criticizes the board for how they handled the situation.

00:40:00 In this section, two individuals address the board regarding partisan politics and the lack of attention given to parental rights. The first individual accuses the board of promoting divisive ideologies and ignoring parental rights policies while also embracing a figure who wishes to harm the country. They assert that the board has no right to involve themselves in politics and that parents have absolute rights over their children’s education. The second individual also addresses the issue of partisanship, urging the board to be sensitive to the needs of all individuals and to stay out of political identity politics. They advise that staying away from such politics is crucial in building trust.

00:45:00 In this section, Rebecca Heinman voices her support of regulation 1313, which emphasizes the importance of civility and respectful behavior within the Saugus Union School District. Heinman notes that while individuals may have the right to express their opinions, their words and actions have consequences, particularly when dealing with a governmental agency or private companies. She cites recent examples of harassment and bullying on the SUSD Facebook page and emphasizes the importance of treating all community members with respect, particularly immigrants who make up a significant portion of the SUSD community. Sandy Ballinger of the Saugus Teachers Association also congratulates students who received the writing Superstar award, mentions the ongoing parent-teacher conferences, and expresses gratitude for assistant superintendent Shawna Morta’s work in planning events for teachers.

00:50:00 In this section, various speakers addressed the Saugus Union School District Board Meeting. The Saugus Administrators Association congratulated student writers and discussed how the District is working to support student achievement and create safe school environments. The Child Development Programs announced two new site supervisors and their plans to offer professional development days for staff. Additionally, the Cedar Creek State Preschool received a surprise visit from the state licensing department and passed with flying colors.

00:55:00 In this section, a parent leader from the Rosedale Site Council spoke about how parent involvement in the school has led to various goals being set and achieved. The council meets regularly to discuss school goals, including student achievement, safety, student engagement and wellness, and equity and diversity. The school has implemented a comprehensive safety plan and updated it annually, with recent goals including practicing drills at varying times and keeping parents informed in emergency situations. The school has also been working on improving attendance through creative methods such as having giraffe attendance keepers and fun Friday activities. The staff has been supportive of parents and students, going above and beyond to ensure they can attend school and learn.

01:00:00 In this section of the Saugus Union School District Board Meeting, the board discusses its goals for attendance and celebrates the achievements of its students. The district is hoping to reach a 95-96% school-wide average attendance rate, at which point the principals will get to be sprayed with Silly String and turned into human ice cream sundaes. The board also announces a new addition to the campus and thanks the Rosedale Elementary staff for their contributions to student success. The district’s student services department has been busy organizing events for parents, including a parent training on behavior management, and a health and development preview screening with translated captions in Spanish. The board also reviews a positive visit from PBIS and Santa Clarita where they checked out how the district implements positive behavior interventions and supports across schools.

01:05:00 In this section of the Saugus Union School District Board Meeting, various updates and announcements were made. The district highlighted their recent attendance at the California Association for Bilingual Education conference and shared their goal to recruit bilingual Spanish-speaking teachers. They also recognized individuals for their hard work and dedication, including classified employees and Pete Heinlein, who is leaving the district. The Chief Business Officer shared both good and bad financial news regarding the state’s funding and expenses, as well as the progress on new facilities at the schools. Finally, the district emphasized the importance of their communication tool, Parent Square, and its usage within the community.

01:10:00 In this section, speakers at the Saugus Union School District Board Meeting express gratitude and support for the district staff in response to a recent prank that caused a soft lockdown, thanking them for their efforts to keep families informed and for their work in emergency management. The board also discusses the need to address behavioral response plans and update individual school handbooks to be more proactive about safety. Board members express their condolences to the community affected by a tragedy at a Nashville church, and they express their gratitude for the district’s focus on comprehensive site safety plans.

01:15:00 In this section of the transcript, various speakers express appreciation for those who spoke and provided feedback at the meeting, and praise is given to students who won writing awards. The LMI program that brings everyone together and the importance of librarians are also acknowledged. The board then moves on to the consent calendar and approves it, followed by a presentation on the 2022-23 l cap by a team of administrators, site principals, and teachers.

01:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and emphasizes the focus on unduplicated pupils, including English Learners, foster youth, and low-income students. The higher unduplicated count raises the funding for the LCAP, which is a big deal for the district. The speaker also talks about the alignment of goals from the state of California, district, superintendent and board, and single plan for student achievement at each school site, and how they all work together to serve the students. The LCAP is not just a plan on paper, but a district story of how they service their students every day.

01:25:00 In this section of the video, the goals of the Saugus Union School District Board Meeting are discussed in detail. The five goals are to engage parents in the decision-making process and ensure appropriate conditions for learning, create school environments that are responsive to social-emotional needs, provide instructional opportunities for English learners, close the achievement gap, and promote diversity and inclusion. The board’s superintendent goals are also highlighted, which include ensuring school safety, improving academic achievement, increasing family and student engagement, and maintaining quality learning environments. Specific examples of how these goals are being addressed at the school site level are provided, such as increasing parent engagement, decreasing chronic absenteeism, and promoting inclusivity.

01:30:00 In this section, the presenter discusses the different goals that schools have in order to ensure that students are learning at high levels and closing the achievement gap. Schools have set various targets based on their data analysis such as increasing the proficiency level of English Learners and ensuring that a higher number of students reach grade level in iReady. The presenter emphasizes that all of these goals are aligned with the LCAP goals and various metrics such as connectedness surveys and California dashboard data are used to measure progress.

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