SCV Water Agency Board Meeting, February 21, 2023

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00:00:00 In this section of the video, the board of directors for the Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency begin their regular meeting with announcements, including the option for virtual participation and the procedures for public comment. One member of the public, Cam Noltomar, expresses their disgust with the proceedings, noting the small number of directors present and the priority given to developers over taxpayers. The board proceeds with the meeting agenda, which includes items concerning the agency’s budget and water supply.

00:05:00 In this section, two members of the public comment on issues related to the SCV Water Agency. The first speaker expresses concern about the agency’s tendency to represent developers instead of the people who pay for the water, and urges for more organization to combat this. The second speaker brings up two issues, including a water outage at a local McDonald’s and the inclusion of “Legacy” on their water bill, which they believe should be removed. The board members respond to both comments and move on to approve the agenda.

00:10:00 In this section of the video, the Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Board presents a certificate of commendation to the Valencia High School Associated Student Body for their successful Gravity Water Project fundraiser. The fundraiser exceeded its goal of $400 by raising $2,900 to fund a water system at a primary school in Vietnam, with the help of local businesses and sponsors. The ASB’s focus was not only to raise funds but also to spread awareness about the global water crisis and educate their fellow students. The board congratulates the ASB on their success and their shared mission to provide Safe Drinking Water for communities in need.

00:15:00 In this section, the Board of Directors discussed Item six, the Consent Calendar, and called for public comments. As there were no comments, the Board members expressed their thoughts and gratitude towards the ASB students who have recently raised funds to provide a gravity-fed water filtration system for a sister community. The Board congratulated the students who decided to focus on the issue of water availability at a global level and appreciated their efforts towards promoting water awareness and educating the other students at their schools. Furthermore, the Board encouraged the students to consider running for office one day so that they can be at the decision-making tables and make the world a better place.

00:20:00 In this section, the board expresses gratitude towards attendees for their involvement and updates them on the agency’s internships and scholarship programs. The board then moves on to approve the consent calendar, which included a resolution deposit for the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and a purchase order for planning and engineering services for the Foothill Feeder Service Connection project. The project involves repairing a leak in the pipeline, which has provided CV Water with raw water since 1996. The connection allows for up to 90 million gallons per day, and a permanent fix for the leak is necessary during the next Foothill Feeder shutdown.

00:25:00 In this section of the meeting, the SCV Water Agency Board discusses a leak located on Metropolitan Water District’s side of a turnout that was constructed by SCV Water back in 2019. To close out the project, Metropolitan and SCV Water came up with a temporary fix, which involved installing a two-inch PVC pipe and pump to pump the leak water to the meter wall before it gets discharged to the Santa Clara River. The permanent fix involves removing and replacing the faulty spool and investigating any other leaking components. Metropolitan has requested a $120,000 deposit to start planning and designing the repair, with the repairs being completed during a shutdown in January 2024. The staff recommends that the board find the action exempt from SEQLEX, pursuant to SEQLEX guidelines section 15301, and adopt a resolution authorizing the deposit to Metropolitan Water District of Southern California for the Philadelphia service connection repair project.

00:30:00 In this section, a board member asks why the agency is responsible for a leak in the metropolitan’s piping. The agencies explain that they had a contractor on board to purchase the temporary solution and buy time until the next shutdown. The agreement was with MWD for them to pay (SCV Water Agency) in the future when the field feeder facility shutdown occurred. The discussion also includes a reminder by a board member to abstain from voting if they work for MWD, as it could be perceived as a conflict.

00:35:00 In this section, board members are discussing the planning and funding of a new water infrastructure project. The board had authorized up to $175,000 for planning, but the Metropolitan deposit request is for only $120,000, which they are doing in increments. The project is expected to be funded from another Capital Improvement project that is anticipated to be under budget. Questions arise from board members regarding the total project cost, the source of funding, and the logic behind the planning cost. Overall, the board acknowledges the need for the project and appreciates the informative presentation from Mr. Bader.

00:40:00 In this section of the video, the board discusses their lack of knowledge regarding the $120,000 deposit they would need to pay for the Metropolitan Waters project since they don’t know the full scope of the project yet. They raised concerns that they might be paying for something they’re not responsible for and not having control over the project’s cost. Metropolitan Waters mentioned that the investigation is the first part, and they will negotiate with them concerning the final cost estimates.

00:45:00 In this section of the meeting, the board discusses a cost estimate for pipeline repairs and negotiations with Metropolitan. The board members note that it is common for Metropolitan to request a deposit for engineering work and fabrication on pipelines. They approve a deposit for the repair work and trust that the staff will manage the costs well. Later, the general manager reports on upcoming presentations at the Urban Water Institute conference and a meeting with other Water Agency managers to discuss climate change and water supply reliability.

00:50:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the challenge of developing a common vision and making generational scale water investments statewide while collaborating with key stakeholders. The discussion includes hearing different perspectives from around the state, common themes, and how to communicate these challenges to policymakers. The speaker also attended the State Water Contractors meeting where the temporary urgency change petition and the X2 Delta salinity requirement point were discussed. The State Department of Water Resources filed a temporary urgency change petition with the state Water Resources control board in request for a temporary variance in the salinity requirement point due to exceptional rainfall in January. This was approved by the board which will conserve up to 700,000 acre-feet of water.

00:55:00 In this section of the video, a board member highlights the importance of adapting and being nimble in interpreting situations. They give an example of how in following permit requirements to the letter, a lot of water was released, causing regret from both a supply and fish management standpoint. The board goes on to discuss the impact of Governor’s executive order on n-3-33, which renewed something declared during a drought time, requiring that new wells get approval from a groundwater sustainability agency before they are installed. They discuss the impact on Rosedale projects upgrade and mention that it would have a larger impact on AG operations, where large swaths of ground operate and a substantial number of Pumpers.

01:00:00 In this section of the SCV Water Agency Board Meeting, the board discusses Item 9, the committee meeting recap reports. There is only one item on the agenda, 9.1, which is a summary of the Engineering Committee meeting. A member of the public tries to comment on the item, but there is confusion about whether a full presentation has happened or not. The board clarifies that the presentation occurred earlier in the meeting under item 7.1, and that the confusion was due to the changing numbers of the items on the agenda.

01:05:00 In this section of the SCV Water Agency Board meeting, the Board discusses the agenda items and how they are provided to the public, with a summary of each committee meeting included for transparency. The President also provides updates on various events and meetings, including the upcoming Urban Water Institute Spring Conference in Palm Springs and the SCD Chamber of Commerce Centennial Celebration Awards. The Board then reports on their attendance at various committee meetings, highlighting discussions on monitoring microplastics and emergency response efforts in Half Moon Bay.

01:10:00 In this section, the board members give comments and requests for future agenda items. Director Armitage commended the quarterly safety presentation and expressed appreciation for the work done by the agency to ensure employee safety, highlighting the importance of protecting employees from issues such as noise exposure, COVID spread, and hazards related to heights and trenches. The board had no requests for future agenda items but Vice President suggested a tradition where directors forward important conference information to the board secretary for email dissemination to all directors. Lastly, Director Braunstein proposed a land acknowledgment for the Tataviam land where the agency is located.

01:15:00 In this section, the board members discuss the possibility of adding a land acknowledgment at the beginning of their meetings, a practice becoming more common among organizations. One member is unfamiliar with the concept and seeks clarification, which is provided by another member who explains that it is a respectful nod to the history of the land, acknowledging past tribal occupants. The conversation briefly derails before being brought back to the main topic, requesting it as an agenda item for future discussion. Finally, the meeting is adjourned.

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