00:00:00 In this section, a council member recites a prayer attributed to St. Patrick in honor of St. Patrick’s Day. The prayer highlights the strength and guidance of God in various aspects of life. Following this, council members take roll call and recite the Pledge of Allegiance before moving on to the agenda. A resident speaks about the importance of recognizing women’s history in addition to the already recognized accomplishments, such as the Canyon Country Little League and Valencia High School. 00:05:00 In this section of the Santa Clarita City Council Meeting, Council Member West presented an award to the Canyon Country …
Santa Clarita City Council Meeting from Tuesday, February 14, 2023
00:00:00 The Santa Clarita City Council will be holding public hearings to establish a district map, with a demographer present to explain how mapping works and what legal restrictions are in place. There will also be a mapping tool that the public can use to participate in the process. The schedule of hearings will be posted tomorrow on the city’s website. 00:05:00 The Santa Clarita City Council approves the agenda and awards and recognizes Black History Month. 00:10:00 The Santa Clarita City Council recognized an outstanding individual for his service to the community as a planner over the past four years. Dan Masnada …